

let's partner up

let's partner up ❋

Social Media



We make the creative process less intimidating and more inclusive so that you can feel confident in what you do.

Do you feel confident in your brand?

Great branding shouldn’t only be available to businesses with a massive budget and a marketing department bigger than your entire team.

By removing the fluff and creating a simple, clear offering, we provide branding and design for small businesses, start-ups and charities with upfront pricing and easy-to-use products.

We don’t skimp on personality or individuality, so be ready to own your style.


The Stem

The Stem is ideal for smaller companies, start-ups in the early stage, or small charities. If you’re looking for a simpler package or have a clear vision that you want us to refine, grab the Bouquet.


Discovery discussion(45+ min)

Mood-board based on strategy

Full design concept

Primary logo + secondary logo & brand marks

Brand colour palette, typography

Brand illustrations

Guidelines on brand usage

All final files for print and digital use


3+ weeks

The Meadow

The Meadow is ideal for any SME, charity or startup looking to develop a strong brand identity from scratch. When you are ready to nail down your personality and story fully, let’s roll into the Meadow.


Full concept workshop (½ day)

Mood-board based on strategy

Primary logo + secondary logo & brand marks

Brand colour palette, typography

Brand illustrations

Social media profile assets and banners

3 social post templates

Suggested photography styles & treatments

Guidelines on brand usage

All final files for print and digital use


6+ weeks

*Timelines are dependent on your schedule and speed of feedback rounds by your team.

Wait, what is brand identity anyway??

Brand identity. What is it exactly? Let’s not overcomplicate things - brand identity is who you are and what problems you solve. Yes, it is built visually by your logo, colours, fonts, illustrations, photo style, etc. but in short, it is your personality, goals & mission all wrapped up.

Your brand ensures that your business or organisation stands out in the crowded marketplace. It’s how you are remembered. If you can invest to gain some control over how your message and mission are perceived, wouldn’t that be useful?

Well, that’s what designing a memorable branding identity can achieve, and we are here to guide you through the process with as little pain as possible.

We offer two packages to fit your needs and desired level of investment. Review the options above.

When you’re ready to chat, go to our contact form.


Social Media

Social Media

These options are ideal for smaller companies looking for all-inclusive help with their social presence.


Content creation, design and management.


Initial strategy workshop

1 day / week

2 days / week

3 days / week